"Experience the Challenge, Embrace the Adventure"
Camp Courage is a ministry of West Michigan Worship Center. Camp Courage is located on 75 acres of rustic campground along the Muskegon River in Bridgeton Township.
Camp Courage facilitates the ministries of West Michigan Worship Center including the Kidz Kamp, ages 7-12, and Youth Camp for teens aged 13 – 18. It is also available for outreach services and is frequently used by outside sources as well. Organizations such as Orchard View High School, Muskegon Community College, and Muskegon Health Association are among many institutions that have used the Camp Courage for events.
Camp Courage, was established in 1985, it is a long-standing part of the West Michigan community.
Kidz Kamp
Dates To Be Announced
Ages 7-12
Fun-filled times with friends, good food, swimming, tubing down the Muskegon River, sports and night games,, singing, even camp fires, instruction in God's Word, and so much more...
- One Child $35
- Additional siblings $20
- Suggested Concessions $10 [ optional for camp snack-shack treats, and ice cream, slushies, cotton candy, etc., at Fremont Beach]
-- Some scholarship assistance is available for WMWC kids. --
To register your kids download and fill out form. Drop off or mail for and payment to:
1430 Hendrick Road,
Muskegon MI 49441
Teen Camp
Dates To Be Announced
Ages 13 - 18
Teen Camp will be brimming with exciting , fun-filled camping experiences and powerful spiritual encounters with God! Your teen will enjoy a camping experience complete with sports, games swimming crafts and much more! And they will be delighted with delicious, hearty meals and treas, topped off with our traditional evening campfires and s'mores.
- The Cost for attending Teen Camp is $60.00 per teen
- If there are two or more attending from one family, the additional child(ren) may come for a reduced rate of $ 30.00
To register your Teen download and fill out form. Drop off or mail for and payment to:
Camp Courage Scholarships are for children who could not otherwise afford to attend camp. When donations are received, they are made available in the form of partial scholarships to campers who meet the basic criteria. Scholarships, if available, are awarded on a first come and need basis.
To apply email us at wmichwc@aol.com
Camp Courage - 2016